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Prisijungti Registruotis
Serveris išjungtas
Parašė 12 kovo 2021 - 15:43
Parašė 13 kovo 2021 - 00:12
Taigi,kiti serveriai nusprendė padaryti rollbacka į paskutinį saveą.Kadangi galimai bus laukt net menėsį ar kelis.
Pagal mano smegenis panašiai spėju tik jeigu jų serveriai sudegė,tai jie užtai ir pasileido,o mūsų sakė sveikas,ir naudingiau palaukti neigu mėnesi ar ilgiau rollbacka daryt
Yra žmonių, kuriems trumputė akimirka gali suteikti daugiau džiaugsmo, nei kitiems visas jų gyvenimas
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Galimybė įgyvendinti svajonę - štai kas gyvenimą daro įdomų
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kiekviena diena kupina pamokų ir paslėptų dovanų.
Parašė 13 kovo 2021 - 07:31
Bet kai rašė,kitų serverių savininkai tai jiems dar nieko nepranešė apie failus ar jie išsisaugojo ar ne.Nes ta pati firma saugojo net kelių valstybių informacija,tai sampo servai jaučiu paskutinėj vietoj.Pagal mano smegenis panašiai spėju tik jeigu jų serveriai sudegė,tai jie užtai ir pasileido,o mūsų sakė sveikas,ir naudingiau palaukti neigu mėnesi ar ilgiau rollbacka daryt
Parašė 14 kovo 2021 - 04:26
Keista kaip tai serveris nenukentejo jei visas pastatas sudege iki pamatu. Rust consoles serveriai sudege niekas ilgokai nepazais nei ant ps4 nei ant xbox
The data center, at the Rue du Bassin de l'Industrie at the Port du Rhin, caught fire at 12:40 am, according to a report by Antoine Bonin of local news site DNA, who reports: "When help arrived, the structure was completely set on fire, with flames bursting out several tens of meters in height."
The fire spread to two other buildings, damaging one other data center on the site. "A part of SBG1 is destroyed," said a tweet from OVHcloud founder and chairman Octave Klaba, who recommended that customers activate disaster plans, as "the whole site has been isolated, which impacts all services in SBG1-4."
The emergency services of Bas-Rhin sent 115 firefighters and 44 machines including six "cannon launchers" and two ladders, according to the DNA report. The facility is virtually on the French border, and other resources were mobilized across the border in Germany, according to a press release from Bas-Rhin. A Franco-German pump boat, Europa 1, carrying a German crew, helped put out the fire, taking water directly from the Rhine.
OVHcloud had three staff on site, all of whom are unharmed.
OVHcloud is Europe's largest cloud provider, with facilities across the region, as well as in APAC and the US.
The fire came just two days after OVHcloud announced it is taking the first steps toward an IPO, floating on the Paris stock market according to Reuters. Details of the process have yet to be determined, but the majority of the company is currently privately owned by the Klaba family.
The current status of OVHcloud's services can be seen here.
Šį pranešimą redagavo Ryder_Wyatt: 14 kovo 2021 - 04:31
Parašė 14 kovo 2021 - 08:15
Man tai same question iškur Benas čia ištraukė jog nenukentėjo.Keista kaip tai serveris nenukentejo jei visas pastatas sudege iki pamatu. Rust consoles serveriai sudege niekas ilgokai nepazais nei ant ps4 nei ant xbox
The data center, at the Rue du Bassin de l'Industrie at the Port du Rhin, caught fire at 12:40 am, according to a report by Antoine Bonin of local news site DNA, who reports: "When help arrived, the structure was completely set on fire, with flames bursting out several tens of meters in height."
The fire spread to two other buildings, damaging one other data center on the site. "A part of SBG1 is destroyed," said a tweet from OVHcloud founder and chairman Octave Klaba, who recommended that customers activate disaster plans, as "the whole site has been isolated, which impacts all services in SBG1-4."
The emergency services of Bas-Rhin sent 115 firefighters and 44 machines including six "cannon launchers" and two ladders, according to the DNA report. The facility is virtually on the French border, and other resources were mobilized across the border in Germany, according to a press release from Bas-Rhin. A Franco-German pump boat, Europa 1, carrying a German crew, helped put out the fire, taking water directly from the Rhine.
OVHcloud had three staff on site, all of whom are unharmed.
OVHcloud is Europe's largest cloud provider, with facilities across the region, as well as in APAC and the US.
The fire came just two days after OVHcloud announced it is taking the first steps toward an IPO, floating on the Paris stock market according to Reuters. Details of the process have yet to be determined, but the majority of the company is currently privately owned by the Klaba family.
The current status of OVHcloud's services can be seen here.
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